Saturday, January 26, 2008

I have way too many of these things! Thing being blogs. I completely forgot about this particular one, to tell the truth. Currently, if I write anything on a blog at all, it will usually end up on myspace. Aside from that you can pretty much follow my trail from blogger to xanga and everything in-between. I think I picked this site up because of travelpunk. The only posts on here are about my trip to China that took place two summers ago. (I think it was two?)

The trip to Chengdu, China did turn out to be the biggest adventure of my life. At least, as far as travel is concerned. I spent an entire week in Beijing before flying into Chengdu in the Sichuan province of China. I studied there for five weeks, living in three bedroom apartment with two other students. Actually, my things lived in that apartment and for about four weeks I was pretty much living with a friend in his studio on the twelfth floor of the apartment across the street.

I have a ton of pictures, all of them still unsorted, but all well treasured. I still talk to a handful of people I met. It's funny how you leave a place fully believing that you will stay close with these new friends all your lives, and then two years later you maybe say hi to them via facebook once a month. Ah well, so things go I suppose.

Now I am on to other forms of adventures. The setting is no where near as romantic as China, but I think the relationships are a little more lasting.

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