Friday, July 03, 2009

Summer kills my brain

Seriously, my brain feels like mush. It's something about the summer air, or too much sun; something has cooked my brain. I say this because I seem to have a horrible case of writer's block lately. Although, truth be told, my thoughts just feel very slow lately.

It's probably the allergy medication.

Either way, I don't like it. I feel like only half of myself. I made a choice when I was young, a conscious choice mind, that I could either develop my physical self and get into sports or develop my intelligence. Even as a kid I sided with the mind. So for most of my life I have tried my best to focus on my studies and to learn as much as possible. I'm a very klutzy adult, but I'm told I can be pretty bright when I want to.

So, now I just feel... blah.

If I could I would just not take the allergy medication and be back to my usual self; however, down here in Southern Illinois, pollen and mold allergies are fierce. I have never experienced headaches up north like I have every summer here. So now I have to make a choice, live with the pain or live with this feeling of air-headed emptiness.

And I do feel like an air-head. Literally hollowed out, or even better filled with helium like a balloon. I float about the house with no real intent because my mind is filled with nothing but helium like thoughts. I can tell I'm weighted down, probably with reality, but the real concern doesn't reach the front of my thoughts. The only noise that creeps in is annoyance at being unable to form the correct sentences as I try to write through this writer's bubble that traps me.

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