Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wow, so it's been awhile since I've posted on here. I guess I've just been too busy with, well, with running around in circles doing my life thing. That, and I have a few different blogs that I also ignore but check more often, so that's been keeping me busy.

So, why am I posting on here now? To calm my nerves! It's the middle of finals week, which always gets to me, plus I applied to a few grad schools and I won't hear back from them until some time in March. This has me biting my nails. Just to add that final touch, my computer has been acting funny. Not funny-ha-ha, funny-not-good-or-funny. It's been turning off randomly. I'll just be sitting here playing some goofy little game to get my mind off things and poof, the computer turns off. The plug is still plugged, all the lights are on, but my computer isn't home. Welcome emotional break down, it's nice to see you again.

Since I seem to lack the moneys, I have to pretend that my computer is fine. I keep hearing, "Don't worry about, Lan Tian, you can't afford to worry." Now really that isn't true. Worry is free! I can afford all the worry my little mind can take, it's new computers I can't afford. Still, I do have tests and things to study for and I suppose I can't do this to the fullest if I sit around and worry.

So I'm going to blog instead. Because that has to be more productive, right? Write out my concerns to the unfaced populous, take the load off my shoulders with a little open whining and hope that maybe eases my mind, that sounds like a good plane, right? Well, good or not, here I am babbling away. Maybe this time should have been used for studying? ... Nah, I think this is better.

I'll try my best to think of something with a little more substance to blog about next time! Not that I think I'm gaining a fan base or anything, but just because the act of creativity is good in and of itself.

Until then, sleep sweet.

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